USA Priority
Delivery to a
contiguous USA street address is
generally within 3-5 days
but is not guaranteed to arrive
in this time frame.
USPS Priority Mail delivery to USA
street address
Order Total |
Charges |
$0.01 to $49.99 |
add $8.00 |
$50.01 to $100.00 |
add $9.45 |
$100.01 to $200.00 |
add $10.50 |
$200.01 to $300.00 |
add $11.55 |
$300.01 to $400.00 |
add $12.60 |
$400.01 to $500.00 |
add $13.65 |
$500.01 to $600.00 |
add $14.70 |
$600.01 to $700.00 |
add $15.75 |
$700.01 to $800.00 |
add $16.80 |
$800.01 to $900.00 |
add $17.85 |
$900.01 to $1,000.00 |
add $18.90 |
$1,000.01 to $1,100.00 |
add $19.95 |
$1,100.01 to $1,200.00 |
add $21.00 |
$1,200.01 to $1,300.00 |
add $22.05 |
$1,300.01 to $1,400.00 |
add $23.10 |
$1,400.01 to $1,500.00 |
add $24.15 |
Over $1,500.00 |
contact us |
USA Express Mai l
This is a guaranteed delivery
service provided by the US
Postal Service. Delivery must be
attempted within 1 to 2
business days (see USPS
restrictions). If delivery
is not attempted in this time
frame, your shipping fee is
refunded. All production
times and time to actually ship
still apply.
EXPRESS Shipping Fees
USPS Express Mail delivery to USA
street address.
Total |
Charges |
$0.01 to $100.00 |
add $20.75 |
$100.01 to
$200.00 |
add $21.80 |
$200.01 to
$300.00 |
add $22.85 |
$300.01 to
$400.00 |
add $23.90 |
$400.01 to
$500.00 |
add $24.95 |
$500.01 to
$600.00 |
add $26.00 |
$600.01 to
$700.00 |
add $27.05 |
$700.01 to
$800.00 |
add $28.10 |
$800.01 to
$900.00 |
add $29.15 |
$900.01 to
$1,000.00 |
add $30.20 |
$1,000.01 or more |
contact us |